Photo a day - September

 Published on 24th of October 2023

These past weeks I've been reflecting a lot about my photo a day project, that I am doing for almost 3 years already, I started a few months before Mara was born. There are days when it feels too much and I have no inspiration and energy to pick up the camera. And then there are moments when I see my kids playing, a new trick or game or mess they are up to, a spot with beautiful light, an interesting combination of colours, and I want to take a photo. I've decided to go easy with this, with myself in the first place, because there's no creativity when you are exhausted and feel forced, and the photos show it. But I try to make time and space for this creativity, it's something my soul craves. And when I look back, all the things I've discovered and mastered, tried and experimented with, all the energy and ideas and feedback, it's amazing. The results are amazing, and not just for me personally (this project is my hobby and documenting my family in the first place), because they also hugely affect the work I do for my clients. 

Stories of September - last swims of the season, in the sea and in a lake, game of banana phone that's been going on here for a while and I am very happy I managed to photograph it. New spots Mara discovered for playing - under the table and inside the wardrobe. Under the table is a particularly beloved spot, I imagine there will be more photos there. Harvesting basil, somehow Mara thought it was a good idea to put it all on her head. We made pesto, and had a lot of pasta - the two basil boxes I have are very productive! Putting together puzzles, only works if there are animals in them, but she's very excited to find cat's tail or legs of the horsie. Playing in the tall grass in grandma's garden, tickles and hiding and more tickles. She loves that spot so much, I even asked not to cut the grass there, I love tall grass too! Making cookies and muffins, we finally perfected our recipe of jam muffins, apparently it's easier to give Mara her own bowl and flour to play with after she is done stirring, if we want the recipe to stick to proportions, the risk of extra flour is very high. Fort of pillows on the sofa that ended up in a pillow fight with Matteo, jumping on the terrace after the rain, dirty feet on the hammock, dancing with the bubbles and falling on a cactus (both the cactus and the child are fine!). These was our September, in photos. 

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