Outdoor family photos in St Andrews

father and daughter looking at st andrews harbor and cathedral from the pier

This photo-session was about getting some natural and relaxed family photos, portraits of the girls, and some memories of St Andrews.

So we went for a short walk around town, and ended up on East Sands where most fun happened.

Baby Alex just wanted to be left free and crawl around. And eat sand. She was happily observing rocks and shells we found for her and did not mind some play time with daddy. But mostly she wanted to be free and explore - so we let her, and got beautiful smiles back.

Big sister Rowan wanted to run around, play hide and seek, make surprise hugs and be tickled by daddy. So it all worked out really well for what we had in mind. Here are few more from this photo-session.

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3 reasons to have your family photos in Villa Giulia park

Saying goodbye to St Andrews, family photo session on East Sands

Visiting St Andrews

Photo a day - July

Photo a day - January

Photo a day - February

October sunset

Family photo session in St Andrews, West Sands beach
