
will arrive to you by email twice a month.

It's about photographing children and documenting childhood memories. I'll share personal experience and practical tips how I photograph my own kids at home and outside, beautiful places to explore (and take pictures) around St Andrews, practical tips and inspiration for documenting holidays, tips and tricks to make how to make kids cooperate for photos - and a lot more.

The newsletter will also include ideas for organising your photos and memories, gifts involving photography, as well as special offers and announcements from me.

Few words about GDPR and safety of data, since the new EU regulations require it. I use GDPR compliant company for this mailing list, and access to it is protected by passwords which are not 12345 and not my birthday date (none of my passwords are). I do not store your contact information neither in my computer nor in my phone. I will not share your contact information with anybody, and I will only use it from my side to deliver you the newsletter you have subscribed to.


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