About a bench

Maya is a climber. There are very few safe surfaces which she did not manage to climb on yet in this house.
Kitchen table - done. Beds - done a while ago, the only one remaining is high sleeper of Masha. She can do it, but with help. Sofa and armchair - peanuts. Sink in the bathroom - no problem. One of the latest climbing adventures is to go on the toilet, and then on top of the water container to flush the toilet. When she climbs somewhere and cannot get back down, she just shouts for somebody to come and rescue her. Life is that simple.

This bench was a great change from the usual home climbing routine. She climbed up, sat down, stood up, looked around, went down. Then repeated. Like five times, and would've done more if I'd let her. As fun as it was, we had to go to school. Till next time, bench!

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