Pink guitar, we have it bad - but matches well with a little girl in pink. The rock-n-roll issue is a big question, at least for now. But we tried - the strings, the taste and the feel of it :-)
It's spring, everything is coming back to life. It's time of new beginnings. So it will be also a new beginning for this blog. I will be posting my favourites from my customers' sessions, and also some of my personal work. So you can get a better idea what a family, or baby, or newborn session with me would be like. And our families will appreciate me posting more pictures of our children too, win-win! Photographs are copyright of Julia Pagano Photography. Julia Pagano specializes in candid natural light photography of babies, toddlers and families, as well as children portraiture in St Andrews, Fife , and around.
Ville storiche e parchi di Palermo Dove faremo la nostra sessione fotografica è una delle domande più frequenti che ricevo dai miei clienti. Da un lato, è bello farlo in un luogo che abbia una qualche importanza e significato per voi, come un parco che frequentate, dove tuo figlio ha un posto preferito per nascondersi o il suo 'albero da scalare. Ma forse stai cercando qualcosa di nuovo, perchè il vostro parco preferito è chiuso per lavori di manutenzione o semplicemente non è adatto come location per uno shooting fotografico perché è piccolo o presenta altri problemi. Quando si sceglie una location per le foto di famiglia, ci sono diverse cose da considerare: quanto è grande il luogo, se offre diversità di sfondi e possibili attività, ma anche quanto sia facile da raggiungere, o va evitato in alcuni orari perchè troppo affollato. In questo articolo, parlerò dei miei parchi e giardini preferiti di Palermo che sono perfetti per una sessione fotografica di famiglia. Villa Trabia è u...
It's time to start the special collection - my featured work. Three of my photographs has been published by Vogue Italia. And this photograph has been featured among honorary mentions in "Best of Kids" photo contest of LooksLikeFilm, a community of creatives and photographers with over 60K members. Honoured and chuffed to pieces!
Our first walk of the year. Stomping through the mud, and lots of it. Some of us did even manage a bit of mud sliding. The sea had this surreal turquoise color, along with grey moody sky it was beautiful. Lots of dry grass, sticks and bushes, thorns. We did not go down to the beaches, it was too muddy and slippery for it. Next time.
Published on 25th of March 2024 This February did not feel like February at all. We were hoping to find some snow and were treated to spring-like temperatures and lots of sunny days instead, slow weekends spent outside collecting oranges or playing hide and seek in a giant blooming rosemary shrub, climbing trees, collecting rocks and even some splashing in the sea. Yes it was warm. We went to Scotland to take care of some personal matters, came back with a new cough, as if recent Covid and other cough and ear infections etc etc was not enough. I made a sweater for Mara and realized I've miscalculated the size, what I hoped would last also for autumn is just right for now. She is growing so fast, which makes me both sad and proud. Still loving her dinosaurs and playing hide and seek (the laundry basket is apparently an excellent hiding spot!), discovering 'big kids' Lego and liking it a bit too much, and trying to keep up with her big siblings. Like what I do? Get in t...
This blog is on hold now. I stopped liking the format of photo stories which I have posted here, and did not come up with anything else. I also started using Instagram and Facebook to share my work, and just repeating things did not seem right. Please check my Instagram for my personal work featuring my three children. And my Facebook photography page , which is a mix between personal and clients' work.
Seasons greetings! Too early? Sorry :-) But, considering that mince pies are in the stores since the end of September, it does not seem so early anymore. Everything is twisted out of its normal flow this year. Some things remain the same - the beauty of autumn among them, and I am very glad for I love autumn. Traditionally, Autumn and Christmas mini sessions. I have a few remaining dates for the year and I'd love for us to get together and capture the beauty of your family. Not the buttoned-up and perfectly posed version with forced smiles. But the real, playful and beautifully messy picture of your family. It's fun for the kids, and adults too. The photo sessions are outside, you can choose between East Sands, West Sands, or Botanic Gardens and Lade Braes for beautiful fall colours. Details Offer available between 5-15th of November, outdoor location in St Andrews 30 min.+ shoot at an outdoor location in St Andrews max 2 adults and 3 children private online gallery with 15+ i...
Published on 27th of September 2022 The final weeks of school holidays we spent in Scotland - summer break is very long in Sicily, kids go back to school around mid-September. It was great to escape from the heat and mosquitoes, see our friends in St Andrews and visit all our favourite places. West Sands, East Sands, Tentsmuir, Botanic Gardens, Coastal path, Lade Braes, and of course Carnie fruit farm! We came with quite a bucket list of things we wanted to do during our time in St Andrews, and we planned some of our walks and outings so that we were back by the time school is over and they could see their friends at Canongate. This was one of the downsides, different school schedules and limited time they could be with their school friends, so we tried to squeeze in as many play dates as possible. I think being back showed just how much has changed for us in this year - new country, big city, new language, new schools for everyone, different climate, differe...
Mini session all'aperto Vuoi conservare i momenti speciali della tua famiglia, con foto che non siano soltanto belle, ma anche uniche e particolari? Magari i primi passi del tuo bebé, mano a mano mentre camminate, un sorriso dopo il primo dentino perso, con un giocattolo o libro che deve stare sempre con voi perché sennò non si può andare da nessuna parte... Ci sono molti momenti nella vostra vita che meritano ricordi belli! Come noi tutti, hai fatto tante fotografie ai tuoi figli in tutte le situazioni con il tuo telefono, ma non hai quelle belle dove siete tutti insieme, dove tuo figlio ti dà un abbraccio a sorpresa o tua figlia ride piena di gioia negli occhi. É un vero peccato, perchè quelle sono le foto che tu e tuoi figli vorrete vedere e rivedere, sempre di più, più passa il tempo! Ho un'offerta speciale per te - una mini session, un mini servizio fotografico. Si svolge all'aperto e ti dà un'esperienza divertente e rilassata , senza...